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When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up.

OKON OFFIONG ( De-Catalyst )

Showing posts with label COLUMNS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COLUMNS. Show all posts

Saturday, January 23, 2021

January 23, 2021


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Saturday, October 10, 2020

October 10, 2020


Your Governors has been Collecting Security Votes Since 2015 till date & has never used it for the Benefit of your States Security and you have never Protested....

A Commissioner of Police recently ask the Price Hierarchy to Post him out of Cross River State because he has never seen where a State Governor does not Support Security in his State Despite the huge amount of Monies he collects from the Federal Government as Security..... And you have never Protested

Divisional Police Officers/Stations across the State are almost ineffective because they have never been Supported by the State Government through Security Votes. So many Police Stations in Cross River State do not have Operational Vehicles to Work because of Lack of Supports from the State Government and you have not Protested....

Some of you, your Pastors, Siblings and Close Associates are Homosexuals and Lesbians Corrupting little Children and Demonizing everywhere with their Satanism. Some of the Clergymen where Caught Using/Burying Human Beings in their Alters because they want Plenty Members, you did Protest....

Some of your Traditional Rulers, Siblings, Relatives, Close Associates, Clergymen etc are Killing People in the Name of Secret Cultism on daily Basis. They even do it in the Open and you Cheer them for being Rugged Men and having Minds to Kill, but you have never Protested......

Most of your Bosses have never Contested Elections without Burying Babies alive, some of them even pound day old Babies in the name of Sacrifices and you never. Most of you even Participate in this Devilish and Heinous Activities without Protesting......

Some of you (Pastors) breeds Homosexuals and Lesbians, Encourages indecent Dressing in Churches, Operates with Monies given to you by Church of Satan, Illuminati and other Occultic Groups, Sleeps with your Churches Members at Will and does a lot of unprintable things in the name of Clergymenism, yet People don't Protest.....

States and Federal High Court Judges are openly Collecting Bribes to deliver wrong and faulty Judgements, sentencing Innocent People to Prisons and Killing them Innocently and non of you Protested.... 

Your Traditional Rulers now dashes Chieftaincy Titles to roughs and well known Criminals that has Money, they even sells slots of Jobs meant for the Citizens, carries out a lot of Diabolical Activities in your Communities, yet you can't Protest.....

Your Senators, Members of Houses of Representatives, Houses of Assemblies have been Collecting your Constituencies Allowances without using them to Develop your Constituencies and you have never Questioned them talk less of Protesting against them.....

I am not against Protest, I have Participated in a lot of Protests in the Country including the one of 2010 when we caused the National Assembly to "INVOKE DOCTRINE OF NECESSITY" So that the then President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan could become the Substantive President.

We did that Voluntarily because it was a Constitutional Matter and Violation of the Fundamental Right of then President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. At Least Professor Woke Soyinka, Barrister Femi Falana, Senator Dino Melaye etc are still alive.......

To me Nigeria as a Country needs total Institutional Overhauling and Restructure. Sars are not our Major Problem. Our Governor, Senators, House of Representatives Members, House of Assembly Members who have refused to do the right thing are our Problem.....

Restructure Nigeria's Institutions and Sars would fall in line......

Thursday, October 8, 2020

October 08, 2020


By OKON OFFIONG (De-catalyst) 

We call ourselves Nigerians hence we are just known for making noise, dancing, marrying many wives, alcoholism, witchcraft, indulging in sex, pretending in church, jealousy, fighting and complaining of bad leadership; yet we refuse to take a decisive action and protest to remove the brigands from position of power.

Let us all accept the fact that Nigeria is a symbol of poverty, mental inferiority, laziness and emotional incompetence.To make the matter worse, we can do everything possible to defend our ill mentality. 

Give us money for development and we will fight and create hatred and enmity for ourselves . Drill oil wells for us and we will not have peace all the days of our life.

"This proves to anybody including us that Nigerians do not know what they want. isn't that plausible"?
"We are like monkeys looking for already ripping banana all over the world!!!.

wole Soyinka (An Activist, noble laurel winner) 

Therefore that the dream of every Nigerian is to travel outside the country isn't a surprise because even the leaders lack foresight by seeing the right things to do but still fail to know what to do"

Our mentality is low to the extent that we cannot plan for our life beyond a year. Therefore how can we develop and live longer.

"Corruption in the west (And China) is a big abomination, but in Nigeria 🇳🇬 , it's so huge that it is slowly becoming an acceptable way of life!!!.

We sing and rejoice to our corrupt political leaders because of small pennies we receive. We think our leaders are doing us favour in providing those needs, not knowing its our right. 
“Whatever I am doing today, I am fighting for that little girl that I was, that yearned for help, that begged to be helped with a textbook so that I can read and pass my exams. If I ever give up that fight, I will be giving up on myself.”

It is so disheartening that a Nigerian is born a beggar, grows a beggar, looks a beggar, falls sick as a beggar and dies a beggar if he has no connection. this has been proven beyond reasoning.

I shed tears to see that most young boys and girls go to school by force, and most of those who are at school have lost focus and have rather involve themselves in cultism and make the society unsafe.

"We cried for independence but we have failed to rule ourselves"
We have minerals but we cannot do anything with it. Therefore giving room for the whites to meddle with our resources .
"Look at what is currently going on in Nigeria National Assembly. Legislators amending the constitution to favor themselves at the expense of two (200) million Nigerians.

"Majority of these legislators are treasury looters who are intellectually barren but using the ill gotten wealth to oppress the citizens of that great country".
I want peace. Happiness. Not only for myself. For everybody.”

 The worst tragedy in Nigeria 🇳🇬 is that if you dare stand up and speak up for what's right, you may end up regretting.
"The few wise and open-minded Nigerians🇳🇬 who have tried to educate us about civilization have met the worst.They have been pushed hard on the wall, they have been silenced and others have been killed". The likes of Sowore who have always stood up speak against the ill act of our leaders have always been apprehended with threat. 

I want to seize this medium to challenge all the concerned youths and citizens to stand up and lets tackle this corruption, dreadful terrorism, tribalism, poverty, unemployment, diseases, illiteracy, ignorance, and inequality, that have put our country on the verge of collapse".
October 08, 2020


 I was born a black Prince, 
Into a land of milk and honey 
A land blessed by the gods 
A land touched by God of light 
A land touched by d god of fertility Osiris
A land where rivers flow connecting my spirit and soul to my ancestors 
A land where d beauty of my sister's were seen in their hearts

A land where princes 
Are born transformed into kings 
A land where d warriors stand tall like mount Kilimanjaro
A land where agriculture Was our way of life and we could sustain ourselves and generations yet unborn 

A land that houses 54 countries 
And house about 2000 ethnic groups with over a thousand languages 
Ranging from the Maghreb at d north d temperate region in d south d mountainous region in d east and semi mountainous region in d West and Central part all united by one spirit one mind and the veneration of our ancestors 

A land highly blessed with natural resources 
A land that flourished with peace tranquility and harmony 
A land that was highly admired by her sister continents Europe and Asia

Till they came 
With darkness and evil
But their skin so pure like d streams of KwaZulu falls with eyes as pretty as watching d sun set from mount Kenya
They came and destroyed my pride 
My heritage, culture and strength

They killed my father 
They burnt my mother 
They raped my sister's
They called me NEGRO
They flogged me 
And my brothers 
They called us black monkeys 
They called us slaves 
They called us servitudes

They boarded me and 
My brothers on a vessel 
To an unknown land 
I saw my brothers die 
I saw children thrown overboard 
I saw babies separated from their mothers 
I wept I cried for help 
But no one could hear me 
Days turn to weeks 
Weeks turn to months 
Months turn to years 

Me a born Prince 
Mman isong like me 
Ayara like me 
Odudu like me 
Been blown by d wind 
Like a nylon to an unknown direction 
To work on their farms 
To nurse their children
To do their dishes 
Thus I became a slave...
They flogged my sister's 
I watched them been chained like animals 
They tied me to a tree and flogged me 
They burnt my brothers hair 
I wept and called on 
Mother Africa for help 

And she answered she brought in colonialism she brought in pan Africanism she brought in nationalist movement and African resistance 

This gladdened my heart for I know one day I will come back home after abolition 

Colonialism came with her own form of government many nations became free 
Many got independence
Finally we had a direction and could eat from d good of our land 

Little did we know 
Colonialism to an extent 
Came with her own pitfalls 
She brought greed godfather's corruption nepotism corruption hatred unemployment lack famine drought to mother Africa 
Thus forcing the youths 
To leave mother Africa 
The hope of Africa 
Leaving Africa 
The strength of Africa 
Leaving Africa 
The pride and strength 
Of Africa leaving Africa 
The essence of existence as a continent fleeing 
Due to over population 
Lack hunger 
They were termed lazy youths 
In a bid to survive just as d early man did...
October 08, 2020


I saw CALABAR yesterday. She is a tall lady with cute dimples. She has always taken pride in her beauty. She walks around with a graceful air. She is a great cook and had learned at an early age how to prepare Edikang ikong, Afia efere ebot, efere afang ye ndek iyak and her favorite otor mboro delicacy.

Calabar is reserved but when you get close to her, she would open up to you. She could be crazy at times. Her major character flaw is that of inadequacy. Right from the onset, she always had a feeling that she lacks something, a feeling that she wasn’t living up to her potentialities. She envied Uyo, her sister. Calabar always felt that her sister was overtaking her and she needed to do something to assert her self.

As a fun loving girl, Calabar would attend music concerts in the evenings. She would dance and sway sideways to the energetic beats of Chief Peter Effiom’s highlife band. She would sing along to the solemn tune, appealing to her creator not to forsake her;

“Obot mi, obot mi, obot mi 
Obot mbok mbok mbok kap nsioro mi uyio”

Her creator seemed to have answered her prayers when a handsome young man walked up to her on a Friday evening. 

He introduced himself with a cheerful smile on his face, 

“Ediye nkaifere, I am Duke, I want to be your friend”

Duke wanted to be more than friends, he wanted to marry her. 

“Marry me and I will change your life for the better” He appealed to her.

Calabar accepted his proposal. The young man was rich and looked promising. 

The marriage was blissful. The young man loved her and went all the way to prove his love. He changed her life. He talked endlessly in glowing terms about his wife anywhere he went to. He had lots of friends from far and wide. He invited them to come and visit his home to meet his beautiful wife.

Calabar was delighted as her fame spread the world over. She never had it so good. Her dreams had finally come true. People congregated at her

Monday, October 5, 2020

October 05, 2020



There was this poor man who wrote a book at the age of 40 and decided to launch it on his Birthday.

He had no money to fund the launching and so, he decided to seek help from a millionaire in his community.

He made a visit to the Millionaires home and after they exchanged pleasantries, he told his host what brought him.

The Millionaire told him to take out a piece of paper and pen. 
He said, " I will give you a test. If you pass it, I will give you the money you need and if you fail, I will still give you the money"

He then told him to write down the names of *10* people who could give him 10k each for his book during the launch.

Surprisingly, the man could not write even 3 names.

Now, take a glass of water and let me tell you something

It is not enough to have talent and skills. You must understand the power of building valuable relationship.It was a wise man that said, your network is directly proportional to your net worth.

 Relationship is a currency. Relationship is a stream of income. Everything in this life actually reproduces on the basis of relationship.

See eh, Who likes you in this life matters .

 Men are lifted through men. Many of us are talented but we lack a cup bearer to tell the King that there is a Joseph that can interpret dreams.

 Who you know matters a lot in this life. Don't say it doesn't matter. It does.

There are heights and opportunities you will never attain if you don't understand *the power of Keeping Valuable Relationships*.

When they say, turn and greet your neighbour in church, or say Salam to the person sitting next to you in mosque, at times, you don't even know who you are talking to . 

That might be the CEO of a company. But sometimes, we despise people based on their outward looks and judge them wrongly.

Have this wisdom am sharing with you.

That person you sit with in class, or the colleagues at work that you look down on, may be the ones that will lead you to your destiny helper because you have no idea who they know.

Sometimes, it takes just a recommendation to change your story.

 Don't despise men in Life.You will need them one day

Sometimes those who crown Kings don't look like kings and may never become kings but they can help you wear the crown.

Shut the door of relationship gently you may need to use it tommorow.
Insha Allah. 

Enjoy a Blessed life full of God's favour!

Thursday, October 1, 2020

October 01, 2020



     BY OKON OFFIONG (De-Catalyst)

As Nigeria celebrate 60 years of independence, many say there isn't much cause for cheer. Fuel prices are at a record high and the nation is struggling to wean itself off oil.
  straight months following the government's ending of fuel subsidies because of a budget crunch.
The price of fuel spiked sharply to a record high in September, rising by around 15% And it's not just the fuel prices that have risen. The cost of electricity has doubled — from 22 Naira (€0.05, $0.06) to over 60 Naira per kilowatt-hour. 
At the birth of every nation come fresh dreams, new aspirations and a great hope for the future in a free nation. Independence gives the right and power of self-governance. With it, comes the greatest opportunity for the new nation to carve it own path and determine its own destiny. Nigeria should not be an exception.
"It has been Sixty years after we have gained independence. But still, a lot more is left to be desired. Ours is still a story of dashed hopes, fading dreams, uncertain future and daily struggle to live above one dollar for majority of the masses. Ours has been sixty long years of journey to nowhere. At Sixty, the nation is still underdeveloped, or at best – a developing nation. How would the heroes of our independence struggle feel seeing the current state of the country whose freedom they fought hard to get?
Nigeria is, no doubt, a great country with immense potential. But the leadership is in wrong and incapable hands. Our leaders are people with no understanding of responsibility and accountability. Nigerian is a nation blessed with competent human, natural and material resources the likes of which only few countries on Earth can boast of... But the leaders are with stolen mandates and lost conscience.
To say our leaders are bereft of ideas is an understatement. They have no desire for growth, only passion for power and positions, greed for looting public funds. Promises at election campaigns have become a mere rhetoric. Corruption is deeply engrained in the fabrics of the nation's leadership.
Sometimes I think perhaps we Nigerians are too greedy for asking our government to provide us basic amenities like clean drinking water, stable and steady power supply, good and passable roads, qualitative and affordable education, security of lives and properties. Or in the developed countries of the world, is it not the citizens who provide such for themselves? So why should expect such from our leaders here? Perhaps we should be grateful to our leaders for looting and embezzling public funds, for living flamboyant lifestyles while the masses live in poverty, for rigging elections and upturning the masses choice year-in, year-out.
From North to South, East to West, everyone should feel the true impact of a free and independent nation. Nigeria can be great, will be great no doubt but we must pay the needed sacrifice to earn our place among the great nations of the world.
"Happy Independence anniversary, Nigeria!"

OKON OFFIONG (De-Catalyst💡)
October 01, 2020


Nigeria Is celebrating 60 years of independence, which Britain granted it in 1960. The Federal Government has told us that the celebration will last for one year. According to the Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, Nigeria deserves a befitting celebration because “for a country that has gone through a bitter, internecine civil war, years of political crisis, daunting security challenges, including religious and ethnic crisis, etc, our unity and our resilience are worth celebrating.” As far as Mohammed is concerned, the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari has offered Nigeria a new beginning.
I am still searching for this unity and new beginning. Could they be in the regular drumbeats of war we hear across the country? Could Lai Mohammed be referring to the intractable battle the Boko Haram terrorists have waged in the North? Or the senseless killings going on in Southern Kaduna? Or the unbearable killings and kidnappings going on in different parts of the country such as Benue, Plateau, Niger, Katsina and so on?In the 2019 Global Terrorism Index, Nigeria came third. It has retained this position since 2015. Only Iraq and Afghanistan are worse than Nigeria. Such terrorised countries as Syria, Somalia, Pakistan, and Yemen are better than our country.Ethnic and religious divisions have not abated. 
Now, it is not only in the South-East that you hear of agitations for self-determination. In the South-West, certain groups have emerged to champion independence for the Yoruba nation. In the North-Central, the agitation for freedom from the North itself has taken another dimension. Recently, some North-Central leaders pulled out of the Arewa Consultative Forum. They formed a new group called the North-Central Peoples Forum to tackle insecurity and other challenges confronting the region. They said lives within the zone had ceased to be sacred as people were being killed and kidnapped regularly. The line holding this country together now is very thin.Some of our respected elder statesmen have raised serious alarm. 
The other day, former President Olusegun Obasanjo warned that we were heading for Golgotha. The government spin doctors called him divider-in-chief. Nobel laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, has raised similar concerns. Like Obasanjo, he warned of the dangers ahead. Former Chief of Army Staff, Theophilus Danjuma, had once advised Nigerians to prepare to defend themselves because the country’s security forces as presently constituted would not protect them in the event of looming battles.Unfortunately, the person we look up to for salvation, President Buhari, has failed us. He keeps mute amid serious complaints against lopsided appointments in the country.
 He has turned a blind eye to the cry of marginalisation in certain parts of the country. He looks the other way as a section of the country continues to lord it over others with impunity and inexplicable hubris. Hate speech has become a major phrase in our political lexicon. Government has tried to legislate against it. But it is difficult to flog a child mercilessly and still suppress his chilling cry.Rwanda took this path before. It paid dearly for it. Today, it has learnt some lessons. Though President Paul Kagame is ruling with an iron fist, the country is stronger now than before. The economy is faring better than many of its contemporaries in Africa.Our own economy is on bended knees. Inflation has hit the rooftops. Many states of the federation cannot survive without federal allocations. 
Many have not been able to pay the N30,000 minimum wage. As you read this, the nationwide strike initiated by the Nigeria Labour Congress and Trade Union Congress that was billed to start on September 28, 2020 was taken off without concrete reasons. Workers are angry over astronomical increase in electricity tariff and fuel price. From N87 a litre in 2015 when this administration assumed office, fuel price has climbed to between N158 and N162 a litre. Those who use prepaid meter will tell you the difference in electricity tariff now. If you were recharging N10,000 a month before, now that money will not take you beyond two weeks depending on usage. This is happening in a country adjudged the poverty capital of the world. It is akin to pumping carbon dioxide into the oxygen mask of a dying patient.We started this nationhood journey with some countries. Malaysia, Singapore, India, and even Ghana have overtaken us. Many Nigerians who can afford it prefer to send their children to Ghana for their higher education. There, you are guaranteed quality and uninterrupted study.The rot in our own system is palpable. The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has been on strike since early this year. 
The union has been agitating for better welfare for members and adequate funding of the universities. The state of infrastructure in many of our public schools is horrible. Some lecturers are mediocrities. When you encounter them, you begin to wonder how they got recruited in the first place. You will even be ashamed when you hear some professors speak these days. And I have been wondering if there is some sort of quota system in the award of this professorship. Ironically, some brilliant ones who deserve it don’t have it.This scenario is replicated in every sector. In the legal and medical professions, in journalism, in governance, there are quacks everywhere. If you doubt, just review some recent court judgements with regard to election cases. Also examine why the rich rush to London to treat common headache. Some of our medical laboratories discover typhoid when it may have been cancer. Some doctors diagnose malaria when it may have been tuberculosis. Some visited the hospital to get healed, but ended up in the mortuary over wrong treatment.This rain started beating us from the doorsteps of corruption and selfishness. Only a few people have the interest of the country at heart. The majority only think about their personal pockets. That is why someone will collect mobilisation fee for a contract and zoom off without doing the work. Some float fake companies, collect contracts worth millions of naira without even buying one bag of cement. You can check out the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), you will see some of these things. Buhari promised to tackle corruption. But corruption is the one dealing with his administration now.It is not all gloom though. Infrastructure wise, we have made some progress. 

The Third Mainland Bridge may soon give birth to Fourth Mainland Bridge. The Niger Bridge will soon have a replica in Second Niger Bridge. The Kano to Niger Republic railway line is in the pipeline. Airports are springing up in different states of the federation. Though maintenance is not part of our culture, the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway is gradually wearing a new look. Shagamu-Ore-Benin Expressway was once a death trap. It is far better now.We are also better off now in terms of transition from one civilian government to another. Before, it used to be from one military dictatorship to another. Our wobbling democracy is still bedevilled by serious imperfections. But one day, a leader will emerge to right the wrongs in the system.
 I am hopeful. The last governorship election in Edo State has strengthened that hope. Be hopeful too because, if we don’t get it right in the next few years, there may not be any Nigeria.The so-called Independence Britain granted us 60 years ago is a ruse. What many Nigerians want now is restructuring of the federation. They want equity entrenched in the affairs of the nation. They want freedom to air their views and to protest against some anomalies, if need be. In the absence of these, some of them want to go their separate ways peacefully. These form the cornerstone of the real independence many Nigerians want. 

Can Nigerians🇳🇬 Be Granted A Real Independence? 
We keep our fingers crossed.