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When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up.

OKON OFFIONG ( De-Catalyst )

Friday, July 23, 2021



I wish to use this medium to enlighten and sensitise my fellow youths, men and women in IGEDE EDII NATION and across the globe.

It is imperative to get ourselves registered for Voters identification card is very important to our generation in so many ways, voters card is not only for electing leaders alone or just for electorial activities.

It's also useful in the Bank, Sim card registration, government Empowerment, and for job interview.

On this note I wish to draw ur attention back home to register for your Permanent voters card, so we can collectively build, Igede, Ukelle, Yala, Cross River State and Nigeria at large as our dreams, it's very important to register in your home town for several reasons 
1. For easy distribution of nation's wealth

2. For political benefits

3. The larger the population, the more Government presence is felt 

4. More Job opportunities to the immediate constituents

It's the responsibility of citizens to vote and be voted for. voting is a very important part of any democracy. By voting, we participate in choosing who governs us for the betterment of the generation yet to come.

Don't disenfranchise yourself from this civic responsibility of patriotism , exercise your franchise, get your PVC ready for 2023 is not going to be business as usual

Through our PVC, we decide on the quality of life we want for ourselves and the future generations.

 Voting is your chance to stand up for the issues you care about like public transportation raising funds for local school, promoting the well- being of the communities. This can only be done if you get your PVC done.

You have no business complaining of bad Government if you have disenfranchised yourself by not getting your PVC to decide and vote in leaders who must be accountable, transparent, tested and trusted, leaders with the fear of God and the interest of the generality of the Youths, Women and men in our Constituency.

It's is the sole responsibility of the Government to provide social amenities, Good Road system, Good health care facilities, portable drinkable water, Steady power supply and many more , all these is possible with your PVC

The community depends on you because you are their eyes, Your communities is made up of friends, loves ones, neighbors, and children.
So many do not know how important voters card is.

It is our collective responsibility to preach the need and reasons why they should be involved in getting their voters card...

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