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When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up.

OKON OFFIONG ( De-Catalyst )

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


University of Calabar post -Utme examination usually holds on July/August of every year.
This examination encompasses 40 Questions for every candidates and it must be answered in 40 minutes. Implying that each question is acrude with 1minute maximum. And each question is attached with 10 marks 

FIRSTLY GET UNICAL POST-UTME PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWER'S : For Massive Success in UNICAL Post-utme You have to purchase Past-Questions/Answers as soon as Possible. It will guide you on how the Exams is being set, how to attempt Questions and also Some mostly repeated questions that might come out in your Exams in order to boost your score. Lots of Aspirants that Purchased the Past Questions Compiled by Admin of UnicalNewsEmpire-UCNEM scored 300 and Above last Year and where Admitted. So don't miss this Easy Opportunity to Boost your score. Get your Past Questions Now.

UNICAL 2020/2021 GENERAL CUTTOFF MARK IS 160: After much speculation and delay because of the Covid-19 Pandemic Unical Admission Board Finalized the Cut-off mark to be 160, Making it Easier for Aspirants.

THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GENERAL CUTOFF MARK AND DEPARTMENTAL CUTOFF : Many Aspirants think the general cutoff mark is for every course NO . The general cutoff mark qualfies you for post-Utme exams while the departmental cutoff marks qualifies you for the particular course you are Aspiring to get

Your OLevel RESULTS also determine if you will be admitted or not . Every course have 5 core subjects you must Have credits in before you will be considered for admission
For example, Mr A wants to study Medicine  
They subjects required are ; mathematics, English, Biology,Physics and chemistry. He must have a credit in this 5 subject otherwise even he scores 400 he will be denied admission.
A female law Aspirant who scored 300 last year lost her admission cause she had d7 (a pass)in mathematics although she had 8 credits in her WAEC
So it is very important you check your OLevel result and know your stand on time

Now jamb subject combination is very crucial , once you register wrong subjects for a particular course you will be denounced admission. Lots of candidates lost their admission because of this mistake check and confirm your Jamb subject combination before your post -Utme.

All Jamb results for 2020 session have been released now you know your stands, if you know you scored lower than you expected and you feel it's impossible for you to use your post-UTME result to level up your score I advise you change to a related course .

For example Mr B scored 220 in Jamb and wants to study Law and he feels he might not hit up to 320 in post-Utme to level the score up then my advise is Mr B have to switch to a related course like History and International Relations or English and Literary studies etc . Example two: Mr C wants to study Medicine And he scores 260 in Jamb and he is not too sure he can score up to 330 in post -Utme my advise is Mr C should change his course to a medical related course like; Dentistry, medical lab, Anatomy, biochemistry or Radiography, etc.

UNICAL post-Utme for all candidates takes just 1 week. it's usually starts on Monday and ends on Friday then Aspirants with any other challenging issues can sit for the examination on Saturday.

UNICAL post-Utme is a computer based test.

YOU CAN STILL - change your course imidaitely after you see your post -Utme result in case you want to give your dream course a trial -shot .

UNICAL doesn't admit candidates who put them as second choice because the don't even have enough space for all the ones that will apply as first choice so no room for second choice if you put them as second choice kindly go and change it to first choice.

MORE THAN 2000 persons will sit for same post-Utme for your course , it's very competitive so start preparing imidaitely. A stich in time saves 9.

EVERY ASPIRANT must get English language and Current Affairs in his /her post-Utme exams so put that in your corpus callisum.
Buy current Affairs and start updating your mentos.

START GETTING your documents ready example, Olevel Results or statement of Results, local government of Origin,Birth certificate, etc the are not necessarily for post-Utme but will be necessary after the exams . I will keep you updated on that.

16. DONT EXPECT The post-Utme to be cheap and easy, it's very complicated and strenous but with constant studying you will definitely sail through.

POST-UTME is a very important factor that determines who gains admission,even if you scored low in JAMB you still have a golden opportunity to study your desired course at the University if you work hard and stay focused.
A very good post-Utme can boost your Jamb Result.

DONT RELAX. one of the greatest mistakes candidates make in post-Utme is thinking that their high Jamb score is enough. Don't be deceived no matter how high your Jamb score maybe, a low post-Utme score will disgrace it. Be Warned

DONT PAY MONEY TO AN UNKNOWN PERSON ONLINE claiming and wanting to assist you to get a high score in post-Utme or get Admission with ease, kindly debunk such Information and block such persons. Lots of Aspirants were defrauded last year because of ignorance. Don't fall a victim.

DON'T BE TOO HOPEFUL: lots of Aspirants relax feeling the have uncles and Aunt who are lectures in UNICAL and the feel no matter what happens the must get admitted by dear change the Mentality or else you might become a leaving testimony of heart break of what will eventually happen to you. Cause when the time comes for admission all the will always say is I'm trying my best to help just be patient and time will be going others will be jubilating with admission letters in their hands you will be there waiting . BETTER START STUDYING NOW and pass this examination once and for all, a word is a enough for the wise.✔️

DON'T ALLOW Fear, Anxiety, Nervousness and overzealousness grip you and Ruin your mindset. One of the reasons why candidates score low in post -Utme is cause of the afformentioned listed above .. try to imbibe the spirit of faith, believe, COURAGE, and Zeal . Tell your self this post -Utme with all I've studied I will make it.

ENSURE YOU UPLOAD - your SSCE result on time because without your O level result no Admission.


When coming for your post -Utme exams 
You have to come with your Original Jamb result and the post-Utme printout...this is very important because all Aspirants are to present them to the Examination officers at the entrance of the Exams venue before been allowed to take part in the Examination.

24.FINALLY the last but not the least is GOD FACTOR For you to have good success commune and pray immensely with passion in your mind and with cleanliness of your heart God won't let you down.

In My next Article, I will Post about how UNICAL Aspirants can possibly score up to 300 and above the upcoming POST-UTME
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