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OKON OFFIONG ( De-Catalyst )

Showing posts with label CAMPUS GIST. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CAMPUS GIST. Show all posts

Monday, November 23, 2020

November 23, 2020


Then National Association of Akpabuyo Students Worldwide (NAAS WW)  led by Sen. John Bassey is set to embark on a one day peace walk in Akpabuyo LGA to enlighten the people on the need for peace in the society. This peace walk is coming after the dastardly act of vandalism of infrastructures and other properties in the community by hoodlums.
There is a need to reorient the people to think of our community first as the infrastructures destroyed are facilities that provide essential services to the common man. Hence a need to preach for peaceful coexistence in our community as we engage the government to be more transparent and accountable to the citizens.

Get involved!! 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

October 10, 2020

A RAPE TO COMRADESHIP - Comrade Jeremiah Friday O. Coordinator NANS ZONE B

I write with utmost dismay that an SUG President of an institution like DELSU could condescend so low to conniving with School Management by taking advantage of this global pandemic to defraud and extort Nigerian students. 

The Student Union President MUST be reminded that Student activism/struggle is the only HOPE for "The Nigerian Students"
Let me correct the notion that "NANS, is controlled by elements that can't be traced as Students of any higher institution in Nigeria".

 The aforementioned organs as far back as we can remember have tirelessly and countless times stood up to fight for the interest of the common Nigerian student(even in Abraka)!
 Lest I forget let me remind the SUG President of DELSU that the leadership of these Associations are legitimate Students of various Institutions domiciled in their regions of scope. Be reminded that Jeremiah Friday Ohomah who is the NANS ZONE B COORDINATOR is a legitimate Student of the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurum, Delta State. 

Permit me to reiterate that these Union leaders were subjected to screening to certify that they are Students before they were duly voted into office, It is in this guise that we call on the SUG President of DELSU to tender a written apology to NANS and other daughter Associations within 24hours or face the sanctions of the organization as he would be stripped of his comradeship and eventually loss his stake, in failing to do so.

However, It is a pity that the school management and Delta State Government instead of complimenting the efforts of The Federal Republic of Nigeria to "Reopen schools" has resorted to scam and defraud poor Students, Let it be known that Nigerian Students will resist and protest any attempt from any quarter no matter how coined to forcefully collect monies(tagged COVID-19 LEVY) from Students of DELSU or any institution within NANS ZONE B (South-East and South-South tertiary institutions).

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September 30, 2020

10 easiest and hardest courses to study in the university

Hardest courses Note:
The rating is in ascending order. In other Hardest courses/degrees Note:

10. Education

 9. Arts & Humanities

 8. Philosophy and Religion

7. Social/Behavioral Sciences: sociology, psychology, anthropology, etc.

 6. Physical Sciences: geology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc.

5. Business & Management

 4. Biological sciences: Biochemistry, Microbiology, etc.

3. Architecture

2. Medical Sciences: medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, anatomy, etc.

1. Engineering: aeronautics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, etc.

 So, based on the ratings, engineering courses are the hardest to study! Which do you think is the hardest course?

I know that not everyone will agree with the ratings here. That is expected. If you do not agree with the ratings please write your own rating of hardest courses in the comment box.
September 30, 2020


Studying in the University always comes with an impression that graduation will be followed by a well-paying job. But, is this the situation for most courses? Of course not. There are some courses which are underrated due to their nature and the career prospects. However, some of these courses are now the perfect career for an aspiring millionaire.

Finding the perfect career requires a bit of research and factors such as; location, benefits, employers, personal interests are to be considered. If you are interested in underrated University courses that can make you a millionaire, then this list will help you. Below are 5 of the most underrated courses that can make you a millionaire:

Theatre Arts
This is a course which teaches students to use live performers, typically actors or actresses, to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place, often a stage. Graduates of this course are expected to become actors, actresses, movie directors, producers and stakeholders in the entertainment industry. The career prospects in theatre arts revolves around the entertainment industry and this is one of the most lucrative industries in the world today. For example, the Nigerian Film Industry (Nollywood) is globally recognised as the second largest film producer in the world. The Industry is a significant part of the Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Sector which contributed 2.3% (NGN239biliion) to Nigeria's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2016. A research by PwC has anticipated that revenue from media and entertainment will reach an estimated $2.2 trillion by 2021. The music industry earned $43 billion in revenue in 2017 alone.Real Estate Management

Real Estate Management is also referred to as property management. This trains students to oversee residential, commercial and/or industrial real estate, including apartments, detached houses, condominium units, and shopping centres. It typically involves the managing of property that is owned by another party or entity. A retired Clinical Professor from the S.C. Johnson School of Hotel Administration at Cornell and one of the pioneers in the field of revenue management, Professor Bill Carroll, observed that real estate management is an area that's under-resourced and under-appreciated but has significant impact. It's not just operations research on steroids. He stated that, A lot of students want to go into real estate or own hotel property, but in many cases you can make more money by running an integrated, effective revenue management program than you can as an owner. Some of the career opportunities for Real Estate Management graduates include: Property management, Real estate Agent, Valuer, Auctioneer, Business broker etc. The reality in Nigeria is that most Nigerians are fast moving away from buying lands and moving on to erect buildings. Most people now prefer buying buildings from Real Estate Agents or paying Real Estate Agencies for their preferred buildings.Computer Science

Computer science in this sense covers Computer software. IT management and Computer engineering. Computer science is a term that is fits in perfectly in the same sentence as billionaire today. Over the past years, the tech industry has produced start-ups who grow on to become world recognized brands. In view of this, the demand for computer scientists has also risen across the world. The major source of wealth in the tech industry lies in the ability to develop a product which solves the need of technology users and also saves them time. This is due to the fact that the attention span of people is now very short and they tend to find easy alternatives. We are deemed to be in the technology age where computer science and software engineering are the future as they offer great perks for graduates who have the potential to work at top global firms. There is a large opportunity to earn while working as a traditional pathway worker for a company or founding your own tech company.Sports Administration

Sports administration courses also include sports marketing and promotion. The career prospects in sports administration are numerous as the number of globally recognised sports activities are gradually increasing. The Sports industry is a fast growing industry in the world today as it poses billions of dollars in revenue. A persons with a Master’s degree in sports administration is expected to earn around $30,000 at entry level. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that job growth in sports management will grow faster than average for some areas of the field through 2028 because of expansion due to multi-billion dollar profits from the sports industry. Competition for these jobs is however becoming high in the world today. The richest athlete in the world; Vinve McMahon has a net worth of $2.2billion. One of the largest earners in sports administration are football agents. In football, an agent is a representative and intermediary who handles the interests of a player or multiple players. An agent's core responsibilities include: Negotiating contracts to achieve the best possible outcome for their client. Securing lucrative endorsement and sponsorship deals.

In 2019 football agents made over $600 millions in transfer alone, massive. Agriculture

One of the comodities which will never go out of demand is food.

I will discuss about three aspects of Agriculture which many people never knew could easily bring in millions if properly managed. 

SOIL SCIENTIST: As we all know that one of the major problems we facing in the agricultural sector is lack of proper maintainance and preventive measures to be taken on our farmls.

As a soil scientist you'll gather, interpret and evaluate information about the chemistry, biology and physics of soil. Using the information obtained from this analysis, you'll inform and influence on diverse issues such as:

agricultural production


climate change

environmental quality

human health

land remediation.

Being a natural and renewable resource, soil is vital to sustaining food production, supporting plant and animal life and having a positive impact on environments globally. Working in soil science enables you to be part of this important area of research and development.

The soil scientist are consulted regularly due to the large number of farmlands we have and some are paid per consultancy while some are permanent consultants to a particular farm. 

As a crop scientist you can be paid 50,000 - 200,000 or more per month or per every consultancy depending on the size, location and how good you are in your job.

Animal production: This is a great means of eradicating unemployment and increasing livelihood in agriculture. 

A large percentage of the rural people satisfy their subsistence needs through livestock production which involves the rearing and marketing of livestock. This class of animals includes cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and poultry.

For example; Poultry farming.

Poultry farming is quite profitable in the sense that it gives good returns for the amount invested, the time and energy spent on it and the labor employed in it.

It requires less investment compared to rearing other livestock. It requires only around 50,000 on fixed capital and rearing of about 100 chickens.

Chicken start laying eggs 8 to 10 weeks and the broilers can be sold for meat between 6 and 10 weeks.

Broilers intake of feed is very low compared to other livestock while it produces maximum possible amount of food for us. Poultry is capable of utilizing as its feed large quantities of byproducts like bran, substandard grains, vegetables etc. which normally go as waste, thus saving for the farmer a portion of his expenses towards poultry feed.

 Poultry farming is a continuous source of income, it is not seasonal and can produce income for the entire year.

While chickens lay eggs between 6 to 8 months, broilers take only 6 to 10 weeks to bring in income. Meat, eggs, feathers and manure of chicken and broilers are all saleable and income generating. Poultry farming in a small scale requires only minimum space and they can be reared even in the backyards of homes.

Poultry farming requires very little water for both drinking and cleaning. One litre of water is sufficient for 5 birds for a day.

Poultry droppings are rich in nitrogen and organic material and hence, are considered valuable as fertilizers.

If a small scale poultry farmer is making 4 times what he puts in as a starting capital. Let's say using 50,000 to rear 100birds(broilers and layers) and getting an output of 250,000 minus the loses incurred during the production process 

The more your capital, the more your profit.

Aquaculture and fishery

Fish farming involves commercially raising fish in tanks or enclosures such as fish ponds, usually for food.

It is the principal form of aquaculture.

Benefits of fish farming

Fish is Source of Protein

Fish Contains Omega-3

Fish Sells Quick

Fish Matures Quickly

No Environmental Hazard

Fish Farming is Profitable and can make you a millionaire within a year: With proper planning and good management, N500, 000 investment in fish farming could easily result to N2 million of pure profit within one year. 

So in 5 years we will be getting abt 10,000,000 profit.

The more your investment the more your profits within a year. 

These are some of the courses in the University that are mostly underrated by majority of Nigerians, so if any of your wards, friends or even relatives gets admitted to study any of these courses then be rest assured that a diamond is about to be discovered. 
September 30, 2020

4 things to do to get Jobs immediately after NYSC.

In the early 60's-90's, it was said that there was nothing like unemployment in Nigeria. University students upon graduation were ushered into jobs with good pay. However, things are not the same anymore. It isn't easy to get a job now upon completion of your studies. But then as a graduate, it is good to be gainfully employed in order to be seen as a responsible person in contemporary Nigeria.

After graduation and while serving, questions which surely comes to play in your heart would be. How do you find a decent job? What is next? and What to do?

Here are the following steps to take in order to secure your first job immediately after NYSC:

1. Get a skill or a certification

To keep yourself busy and productive, it is advised you find a way to build yourself. And part of the ways of building yourself is by getting skills which will come in handy to you. Skills acquisition is also made available during your service year and it's free. Use that opportunity to get experienced in any skill which you feel will be advantageous to you in the long run. Additionally, graduates use the NYSC period to get certifications in their field of study. This is a period where you want to take advantage of any opportunity which will help you to be gainfully employed after NYSC and getting skills and important certification it is.

You should also use your free time to attend relevant seminars and workshops. This also gives you an opportunity to network with professionals and peers in your profession.

2. Prepare yourself and a CV
Although it is believed that you ought to have started preparing your CV right from your days in the University. This is to ensure you have an originally crafted resume. (A resume prepared by yourself) It is important you have a CV which clearly depicts your personality, which is different and strikes a cord in the hearts of recruiters.

Also, prepare yourself on how to ace interviews and aptitude tests. As a youth corper, you may only be able to apply for entry level or graduate trainee jobs because of a lack of experience. Most of the graduate trainee jobs often require for you to write aptitude test as the first stage of recruitment process. In order for you to pass the tests brilliantly, use your time during service to practice past questions and also research on how these tests are carried out.

3. Make valuable networks
It is said that you're only rich as the amount of your connections. Having valuable connections can help in your search for jobs after NYSC. Anybody can be of help to you same way you can be of help to anybody. NYSC is a place were the son of a civil servant can meet the son of a President. It is a place were you meet different people from varying backgrounds. This can be of help if you use it judiciously. It is advised you mingle, participate in educative and interesting activities organised. Never miss a chance to show the good and martketable qualities you possess. This is a very viable aspect of NYSC. Do not underestimate the opportunity of quality connection to people, as this have paved way for people beyond measures.

4. Start applications early
Make sure you start applying for jobs before the end of your NYSC year. It is advised because some companies recruitment process takes several months while some fines prefer candidates with fresh experience and it would be to your benefit to apply before you round up your service year. Infact, most firms would wait for you to finish your service if you meet their requirements. Applying early also helps in securing jobs faster as you become better from each recruitment process you undergo.

There is no cut out way to securing a job straight out of service. However the tips highligited above have proven to be a success overtime. Overall, build yourself in order for you to meet the requirements of the companies you want, then work towards applying to them and smash the recruitment process. It is also advised you savour every experience during your service 

Monday, September 28, 2020

September 28, 2020

NYSC: Difference Between Discharge letter, Exclusion Letter, And Exemption Letter

After the completion of a four, five or six years degree program by a Nigerian both within and outside the country, it is mandated by the law of the land, that such a student participate in a one year compulsory programme of the National Youth Service Corp popularly known as NYSC.

However, not all graduates participate in the programme due to one reason or the other. This eventually make them receive different certificates of NYSC after their degree programs.
In this article, I will be discussing extensively, three major certificates the National Youth Service Corp award to graduates after their programs. These includes:
1. Discharge Letter/ Discharge Certificate.

2. Letter of Exclusion/ Certificate of Exclusion.

3. Letter of Exemption/ Certificate of Exemption.

Discarge Certificate(left), Exclusion Letter(middle), and Exemption Letter(right)

A short but, detailed discourse of these three certificates will be attempted below.

1. Discharge Certificate: This is the most popular of all the certificates the Corp issue to graduates. This certificate is usually given to graduates who have successfully completed their mandated 1-year service program. It is usually awarded during their Passing Out Parade.

2. Exclusion Certificate: This is another certificate issue by the corps. Graduates entitle to this are the ones who could not attend the regular programs in school. Example are graduates of Distance Learning, Part-Time, Sandwich, among others.

3. Exemption Certificate: This is the third major certificate awarded by the corp to graduates. This certificate is issued to someone who, having completed his regular University or Polythenic, by law could not participate in the mandatory 1-year NYSC Scheme.

However, to be eligible for this certificate, you have to meet the following requirements…

In accordance with the National Youth Service Corps Decree 1993 section 2 subsection (1), it is stipulated that:

“With effect from 1st August 1985, a person shall NOT be called upon to serve in the service corps if, at the date of graduation or obtaining his diploma or other professional qualification” :

1. He is over the age of thirty (30) years

2. He has served in the Armed Forces of the Federation or the Nigeria Police Force for a period of more than nine months; or

3. He is a member of the staff of any of the following:

a. The Nigerian Security Organization or

b. The State Security Service, or

c. The National Intelligence Agency or

d. The Defence Intelligence Service

4. He has been conferred with any National Honour.

These categories of persons are therefore exempted from service and issued with the NYSC Certificates of Exemption.
September 28, 2020

Don't Let Anyone Deceive You About Education, Even The Winners Of BBN Are All Graduates (See List)

You might have heard many people say "EDUCATION IS SCAM", "EDUCATION DOESN'T GUARANTEE SUCCESS". These kind of statements made by people aren't true. Please understand that Education is a very pivotal tool required to succeed. It would interest you to know that all winners of the popular Big Brother Naija Reality shows are graduates. It is true that these winners didn't use their university degree to participate in the competition but then going to the university will help you improve your personal growth. Further more, going to the university teaches you how to relate with others, it teaches you how to face challenges.

However, don't allow anyone deceive you about education because even the winners ( from season 1 to 5) of the popular Big Brother Naija Reality TV show are all graduates.

Below is a compilation of the winners of the popular TV show, courses studied, and the schools they graduated from.

1. Season 1 in 2006.
Katung Aduwak studied Political Science at University of Jos.

2. Season 2 in 2017.
Michael Efe Ejeba also studied Economics at University of Jos.

3. Season 3 in 2018.
Miracle Igbokwe graduated from the school of aviation, Zaria.

Season 4 in 2019.
Mercy Eke studied Psychology at the Imo State University.

Season 5 in 2020.

Olamilekan Agbeleshe studied Philosophy at the University of Lagos.

Thanks for reading.
September 28, 2020

The Fastest Way To Become Poor Is To Keep Doing These 6 Things.

Nobody likes poverty, and everyone is always striving to be free from poverty. However, there are some things we do that can lead to us becoming poor, and unable to fend for ourselves.Some people do not know that the reason why man of them are poor today, is because of the things they do daily. We claim to desire financial freedom and stability, but some of our daily activities are the reason for our poverty and wretchedness.This is why I have composed this article on six things you should stop doing, if you don't want to experience poverty in life.

Poverty is very bad and even the poor will not recommend it for anyone. Therefore, it is good you acquire the requisite knowledge to exterminate poverty. I will never be poor and I pray you too will never be poor.

Let's take a look at these five things you must stop doing.

5) Spending more than you are earning
Most times, we are the wasters of our own resources, I agree that many times we have to settle one bill or the other; but there are times when we decide to live above our means and this is the reason many of us are poor. How can you be earning 'N50,000 monthly' and you are living in a house of over 'N400,000' that is not your own.There is no way you will have enough money to build your own house talk more of taking care of your family. Hence, it is advisable we stop spending more than we are earning and instead start investing.
It is better you don't seem to belong and have peace of mind, than trying to live up to the pressure of the world and run into debts. There are people who buy clothes because of others, or purchase things to compete with others; it is very bad, you must not live your life to prove a point to anybody.

4) Buying liabilities instead of assets.
I will rather build two bedroom flats of three units than buy the latest Lexus Jeep. Do you know why? That Lexus Jeep by this time next year will already be old model, but my house will last for ten years before it may even need renovation; and people that match that class of house will still be renting it.Besides, once I renovate it I will get more gain from it yearly than someone who purchased the latest Lexus Jeep. This is because, even if you decide to sell your Jeep, it wi be cheaper than you bought it because another new model is already on ground.This is a perfect example of assets and liabilities, rich men are not graded by their liabilities but their assets. It is better you have assets rather than liabilities, so you can have stable means of income.

3) Inability to invest.
A lot of people hate the language of investment, some classify any investment enterprise as bad. It is true there are fraudsters but please there are still geniune means to invest your money, just like the one I highlighted above.

You an choose to also but shares from companies, create stable sources of income for your life. Choose better means to use money rather than wasting it on frivolities.

2) Refusal to pay your tithes.
Remember, you can never gather what is been scattered; except you destroy whatever is scattering it. Some people earn good amount of money but due to failure to return back ten percent to God, devourers come in through various means to steal your income.

Dear reader, please always pay your tithes. Don't wait till the money is gone before you remember tithing. Pay your tithes and pay them on time.

1) Relying on your strength to get rich.
Self sufficiency is one cause for the failure of many in life. Never depend on your own strength to achieve anything in life. If you check world shakers today, you will see that most of them had every reason to fail, but they relied on a strength greater than themStart relying on God to help you become financial stable, no amount of hustling can substitute the place of God's help in your life. If you don't want to touch dirty money, then fear God. Trust your Maker and He will help you.

Thank you for reading this article.

Please share this article with others.
September 28, 2020

The university in Nigeria where you can study the following courses without paying school fees.

The first time I hard about free Tuition fee University in Nigeria it was hard for me to believe until I did my research. There's actually a university in Nigeria that run Tuttion free for some courses. The name of the university is Landmark University. 

Landmark University which was established March 21, 2011 offers free tuition fee for some courses in agriculture or agriculture related courses 

The Agricultural Programmers includes:

Agric Extension & Rural Development

 Crop Science, 

Environmental & Natural Resources Economics, 

Agribusiness Management,

Animal Science, 

Aquaculture and Fisheries Management,

 Tourism and Recreation, 

Agric Economics, 

Agricultural and Food Engineering Programmes.

Horticulture and Landscape management. 

Many people believe that free tuition fee school is only possible in abroad and not in Nigeria 

Landmark University is a private Christian University, located in Omu- Aran Kwara state

The University is owned by Bishop David Oyedepo, the founder of Living Faith Church aka winners chapel. Bishop David Oyedepo is also the Chancellor of Landmark University
It was learnt that Landmark University awards scholarship for other courses which makes her to be one of the highest scholarship awarding universities among private universities in Nigeria. 

Drop all your comments below. Remember to like and share to your friends too.
September 28, 2020

"Don't waste your time studying these 5 courses in school" - Reno Omokri

The high rate of unemployment in Nigeria undoubtedly deserves greater attention and more enlightened and successful personalities are expected to proffer useful advice to help curb this imminent disaster among the teeming youth population.

The ex-aide to former president Jonathan, Reno Omokri has taken to his twitter handle offer useful advice to young ones who intend to embark on undergraduate or postgraduate programme in the tertiary institutions.
Actually, we are in an era where some courses do not worth to be studied because, they are either obsolete or about to become obsolete due to lesser applicability.

According to Omokri, instead of spending 4 years studying, courses like Philosophy, Sociology, Linguistics, Religious studies and Public Admin, it is advisable to spend one year or even less to learn skills that are in high demand such as Coding, Nursing, Forex trading, laboratory technology etc.

Sincerely, this is a great advice to anyone intending to enter the university, polytechnics or other higher education. Don't just go to school to become a graduate and regret later when you realize you wasted your time memorizing things that are no longer useful in this modern era.

Now, over to you my dear reader. Do you agree that studying these aforementioned courses are totally irrelevant?

Let’s have your view in the comments section.
September 28, 2020

Ogechukwu Ozoani: Nigerian lady wins big in Russia, graduates with 5.0 CGPA

A Nigerian lady identified as Ogechukwu Ozoani has made the country proud by bagging a first class degree from a Russian University.
According to @Coal_City on Twitter, the young lady graduated from Kazan National Research Technological University with a 5.0 CGPA.

Campusvill gathers that Ozoani has been granted a scholarship for her masters and PhD in Nuclear Science.

The young lady, who is from Ngwo in Enugu state, has joined other Nigerians in the diaspora making the country proud with their academic achievements.