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Showing posts with label RELATIONSHIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RELATIONSHIP. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

October 20, 2020

How To Know If He/She Really Loves You

Kingsley Okonkwo

If a guy really likes you, one of the things you will notice is that he is very proud of introducing you to people that matter. Some people can form that they are private, however, you can't be so private that nobody in this world knows, that is scam. Marriage is not a private affair, marriage is a public issue. He might not make a public announcement, however the important people in his life must know. If he is hiding you from everybody, you are not the only one that is why he can't show you anywhere.
If he is hiding you, he is scamming you.

If a woman loves you, she will be committed to you, you can tell that she is totally dedicated to you. She will be glad to talk about you, post your pictures, there will be no sense of distance.

Usually women have the capacity to run more than one thing at the same time. Most guys don't know. Women have no choice but to wait until men approach them which is different for men because they choose who they want to approach. Most men go for women that they like but women have to wait for any man that comes. A man they don't really like may come and they will say well, there is no other person so let me hold this one while waiting for the right one.

Most times, when women cheat or double date, it is mostly because they are not satisfied with who they are with. Men cheat for different reasons. If a woman is really in love, she has no time for another person. If a woman is in a relationship and still entertaining other guys, it is because she is not happy with who she is with.

Monday, October 19, 2020

October 19, 2020


Written by Counselor Adofoli

Love has brought lots of pains into the lives of young people more especially because of the wrong choice of a life partner. Pains as a result of dating at the wrong time of their life. Love leaves memories that no can steal, imagine if the memory is a painful one?

When you have all what it takes to travel and the destination is also decided, it makes such a journey a much easier one. However if you are not ready but want to embark on such journey, and have to rely on someone to embark on the journey, it becomes a dangerous and difficult one. It becomes even worse when that person is neither ready nor real.

Waiting becomes painful and if in the end you fail to embark on the journey because you were disappointed, it becomes painful to forget such a person. But the worst pain is when you don't know if you should wait or forget, If you should move on or hold on.

If only our eyes could see the mind of people, many people would apply the breaks when it comes to falling in love, but unfortunately it isn’t so. This is why one is required to be ready before embarking on such a journey.

In life everything runs on the back of priorities and if you don't learn how to stand on your own feet, you will always beg for a shoulder to lean on. It is therefore required of every individual going into marriage to be ready. Turn your dreams into plans; get to know the priorities of anyone who asks for your hand in love, dating or marriage.

If they can't make you a priority in their lives, there is no need making room for them. If they are not ready to be with you then stop making yourself available for them. It is as simple as that.

You don't need to start such journey as the mate or conductor, if you do, you might lose your seat. You need to be in the front seat. You need to sit next to anyone who wants you as a spouse and not behind with someone else beside them; not even if they beg you to stay behind and promise that the one beside them will get off along the way.

The truth is, if you start off as the other man or woman, you will never be the only man or woman in their lives. You will end up alone. Before you call them your lover, be sure they have made you one. Don't live on dreams. This life is reality.

How do you know you are not their priorities? It is when they make you last, when replies get slower, when conversations get shorter, when you are blamed or accused.

If you want your current or next relationship to be the last one, then stop rushing, stop worrying, stop looking, stop wanting. Let love find you, let them learn about you, let them need you. Reserve your heart for the one who deserves it and not the one who comes first.

In conclusion "the wise man saves for the future, but the foolish man spends whatever he gets" - Proverbs 21:20 (TLB).

Please share it with your friends. Someone out there needs this.

Monday, October 5, 2020

October 05, 2020

Ways to Prevent Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation can be extremely damaging, emotionally and physically in bed. But with a little practice and patience, anyone can overcome the problems of going limp before the show’s over.

Control your Breathing

Now this is another area where you have to look into. Most men try to force their breathing pattern while making love. Don’t do that. Breathe deeply and fill your lungs with air. Be comfortable and you’ll be surprised how much this helps.

Play with your Body Weight

When you feel like you’re about to climax, stop the motions, and just hold still. Don’t put your weight on your partner, but lift yourself just a little bit, so your focus is on controlling your body weight and not on your organ.

Double Erection

If you are relatively young, then you can probably achieve another erection in a while after premature ejaculation. And the second time around, you would find it a lot easier to control your climax. Or you could also have a small encounter with yourself or with your partner’s help, a couple of hours before actually having an intimate session. But if you’re an older man, this strategy might be too much of a pain, and this could even result in you losing your confidence.

Lovemaking Positions

The man-on-top (missionary) position can be fun, but it’s harder for most men to control their ejaculatory timing, because they have to hold themselves up. Try making love with the woman on top. This position is more relaxing for men, and it often helps ejaculatory control.


Make some noise. Love moans help men (and women) relax, and they often help men last longer.

Indulge in Foreplay

Men know that women love leisurely, playful, whole-body, massage-oriented sensuality. But men hardly feel that is required however much they pretend like they share the same thought. But when a man rushes into making love, there is a lot of pressure on his manhood as all the energy is focused only on that region. If you could actually indulge in a whole body experience, the arousal would be all over and would help you last longer.

With these tips, you should be able to hold on a lot longer, and yet, have a great time in bed with your partner.

October 05, 2020

17 months after assuring Chioma of marriage, Davido reveals why he hasn't married Chioma in 2020.

Davido is a Nigerian Musician who has many hits to his name. He even own a record label, Davido Music Worldwide (DMW) which has helped many upcoming musicians rise up to fame even Mayorkun.

Davido fell in love with Chioma Roland and their relationship became public sometime in 2018. The singer even released a song for her titled 'assurance'. Ever since then fans of Davido have been waiting for when the assurance would actually come to a reality.
But in an interview with Bounce Fm, Davido revealed that his intentions of marrying Chioma may not materialize this year. 'the COVID-19 pandemic has messed up our wedding plans but I have decided that we would get married sometime next year, he said'. He went further to say 'right now I want Chioma to focus on her brand and business'.

Well well well, there you have it. He gave his reasons for not getting married to her this year? What are your thoughts on this? Let me know in the comment section. 

Share also.

October 05, 2020


1. The key to avoiding destructive actions or thoughts is to keep the relationship on track. It takes plenty of effort, but the results speak for themselves. Maintaining the lines of healthy communication between in-person visits is a breeze with today’s social media. Twitter, Facebook, instant messaging (IM) and Skype make connecting with one another easy and affordable. couples should find out how they spent their day," and not treat each conversation as a happy-go-lucky extension of a date. Like all successful, healthy relationships, a solid foundation based on the day-to-day sharing of each other’s triumphs and failures is key.

2. Consequently, it’s no surprise that if couples don’t communicate fully, their health will begin to suffer. The stress that results from worries over fidelity, trust and where the union is heading can manifest into sleeplessness, weight loss, anxiety and even depression. While these ailments are concerning, there’s no data to suggest that they are dangerous, or life-threatening, but they could facilitate a permanent break-up.

3. From Long-Distance To Long-Term Relationship

Ultimately, it’s imperative for the health of the couple and their relationship to eventually live together in the same locale to see if their bond can survive normal daily pressures. "It’s not like a weekend where you’re devoted to each other and then longing for each other the rest of the week," "Things might be different when you live together. You need to find out if it’s going to work."

It’s encouraging that marriages following distant courtships have the same success rate as unions established in the same area code provided they don’t rush down the aisle as soon as they cohabitate. "If they move in together first and it works well," "[The future marriage] would work as well as any other marriage."
October 05, 2020


You might be in a long-distance relationship because of a high school graduation, a connection you made with someone over the internet, or any number of reasons.

Technology has made romance far  more convenient than ever before. But could a long-distance relationship be bad for your health?

It is not ideal for married people to live apart , distance usually leads to infidelity . Distance affects the level of love and affection in a relationship; it can also have a negative effect on the children. 

For example , if I am asked to advise a young couple, I would say one month is okay especially if they just got married .
However , for couples who have been married for a number of years , I ’ ll recommend three to six months .

 distance relationship should be avoided and should only be considered by couples when there are no other options left.
Primarily , marriage was instituted to perform certain functions or meet some needs and these include the emotional, psychological , intellectual and physical aspects.
While it may be argued that staying under the same roof doesn't  guarantee the success of a marriage , long -distance cannot be said to be a blessing , but rather a big challenge that could only be managed by partners with strong commitment to a successful marital relationship .

If a couple must stay apart , it shouldn't be for more than six months or maximum one year. During this period , conscious and sustained efforts must be made to manage the issues which distance breeds like loneliness , non -frequent sex , lack of emotional and physical support.

Employment opportunities seem to be the very basis of couples living apart , hence I will advise newly married couples to work out modalities that will prevent this from occurring . There are many dangers associated with couples living apart . As the popular saying goes, “ out of sight , is out of mind ”.

Ideally , married people should not live apart because marriage is basically for companionship. Every other thing in marriage is secondary . To me , living apart in marriage is not really a good idea .

However, "most people aren’t satisfied with that,"  "Most are pretty anxious to get together." While the more independent-minded or career-driven might like this arrangement, many people find the negatives strongly outweigh any advantages. The ultimate goal is for both parties to leave behind the long distance love story, and unite in the same city.

When time and money cooperate, the best tonic to keep love alive across the miles is being together. While couples relish the thrill of ecstatic reunions,   "The dating effect," where partners wine and dine each other during their short spell together, but fail to deal with the real issues of real life. "A long-distance relationship can often mask a situation that won’t work," 

Couples should enjoy the romance of their situation, but also discuss the issues that all must face: where to live, opinions on finances and religion, and most importantly, whether they both want kids. For many, that biological clock is ticking’loudly. "In some cases they’re waiting to have children,"  "They need to find out  otherwise they have to find someone else."

Distance can sour these relationships when even one missed phone call sets off all sorts of suspicion and worry. As a result, trust and commitment issues grow unchecked, and unhealthy obsessive behavior’such as leaving repetitive phone messages’can be unleashed. "If you notice these things happening, there’s a problem,"  "It tends to escalate. If one person gets needy, the other might distance themselves. One might have doubts whether [this relationship] is right for them."
October 05, 2020


Love has brought lots of pains into the lives of young people more especially because of the wrong choice of a life partner. Pains as a result of dating at the wrong time of their life. Love leaves memories that no can steal, imagine if the memory is a painful one?

When you have all what it takes to travel and the destination is also decided, it makes such a journey a much easier one. However if you are not ready but want to embark on such journey, and have to rely on someone to embark on the journey, it becomes a dangerous and difficult one. It becomes even worse when that person is neither ready nor real.

Waiting becomes painful and if in the end you fail to embark on the journey because you were disappointed, it becomes painful to forget such a person. But the worst pain is when you don't know if you should wait or forget, If you should move on or hold on.

If only our eyes could see the mind of people, many people would apply the breaks when it comes to falling in love, but unfortunately it isn’t so. This is why one is required to be ready before embarking on such a journey.

In life everything runs on the back of priorities and if you don't learn how to stand on your own feet, you will always beg for a shoulder to lean on. It is therefore required of every individual going into marriage to be ready. Turn your dreams into plans; get to know the priorities of anyone who asks for your hand in love, dating or marriage.

If they can't make you a priority in their lives, there is no need making room for them. If they are not ready to be with you then stop making yourself available for them. It is as simple as that.

You don't need to start such journey as the mate or conductor, if you do, you might lose your seat. You need to be in the front seat. You need to sit next to anyone who wants you as a spouse and not behind with someone else beside them; not even if they beg you to stay behind and promise that the one beside them will get off along the way.

The truth is, if you start off as the other man or woman, you will never be the only man or woman in their lives. You will end up alone. Before you call them your lover, be sure they have made you one. Don't live on dreams. This life is reality.

How do you know you are not their priorities? It is when they make you last, when replies get slower, when conversations get shorter, when you are blamed or accused.

If you want your current or next relationship to be the last one, then stop rushing, stop worrying, stop looking, stop wanting. Let love find you, let them learn about you, let them need you. Reserve your heart for the one who deserves it and not the one who comes first.

In conclusion "the wise man saves for the future, but the foolish man spends whatever he gets" - Proverbs 21:20 (TLB).

Please share it with your friends. Someone out there needs this.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

October 01, 2020

Why Do Good Girls Always Love Bad Guys?"

Why Do Good Girls Always Love Bad Guys?"- Reactions As Lady Asks This Question On Social Media
The lady who is popularly known on TwitterNG as Olufunmilayo has taken to their twitter account to ask this question. In her exact words;Why Do Good Girls Always Love Bad Guys?"

You'll meet a girl with all your manners and home training and all she wants with you is a friendship rather than a relationship. The most annoying part of it all is that the person she'll love is a bad boy.This is one thing that's hard for to understand even for a lady like Oluwafunmilayo.

Her question got plenty of reactions from guys and ladies alike. Many of them gave logical reasons to why they feel that tends to happen while others made a joke out of a serious question like that.

See ReactionsWhat do you think is the reason why this tends to happen.
Share your thoughts in the comments

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September 30, 2020

Men Should Not Marry Any Woman That Have These 6 Characterstics

The issue of marriage is very complicated, these days. Modern trends have shown us that marriage is not as sweet and blissful like the love stories we watch on Zeeworld and the likes.
Futhermore, the scriptures said that he who marries a wife found a food thing and obtains favour from the Lord. That is to say, it's a good thing to get married. But, that good thing can turn out to make your life miserable, if you marry amiss.

Therefore, in your quest for a bright and sweet marriage, don't marry any woman that possess any of these qualities I wrote below.

1. Unsubmissive attitude

A woman with this attribute will never acknowledge you, as the head of the house. At every instance, she will question your authority as the man of the house. If you want peace of mind jn marriage, avoid ladies with unsubmissive traits.

2. Incessant Nagging

Women that often nags are habitual trouble mongers. They take every opportunity to complain about their husbands. They don't see any good thing, except the negative ones. Men, if your girlfriend is the nagging type, don't marry her.

3. Obsession with parties and social gatherings

Most often, ladies that are obsessed will parties and social events don't make good wives. They will go to parties at the expense of their husband and children's welfare. If she can't do without partying, don't marry her.

4. Extreme Desire for luxury

Dear men, if your woman have a high taste for luxurious accessories, fashion wears and gadgets, don't marry her. Such kind of woman will likely wreck your finances, in the long run.

5. Materialism

Ladies with materialistic attitudes never appreciate the little efforts from their man. They don't care about your love, good attitudes or visions. All they care about is the expensive gifts you buy for them. Dear brother, don't marry such lady, because she won't appreciate your little efforts.

6. Arrogance and pride

Arrogant ladies don't make good wives. They're very good at looking down on others and people below their social status. As a responsible young man, such type of woman won't speak of you, don't marry her.


I can keep writing and writing. However, if your girlfriend have more than three of these qualities, don't marry her! That marriage won't give you piece of mind.

Thanks for reading!

September 30, 2020

Dangers Of Being Single For Too Long: Number 6 Has A Long Lasting Effect.

You owe no one a phone call and you owe nobody your love. That's a nice feeling, its like freedom. But just when do you need to change that style? Being single is not bad, its a choice, but can that choice harm you? Yes! It can!

And here are ways being single for too longer can be dangerous to you; 
1) Sabotaging a good relationship/friendship simply because you just don’t care;

This is a common effect of being single for too long, nobody means anything to you anymore, you just don't know how to show concern for those around you and end up chasing away those who ought to be your partners with your "I don't care" attitude. 

2) Feeling that you have lost the muscle for being in a relationship

Obviously you are now tired of people's attitude and you just feel you don't have the strength to hold up a good relationship, this is a bad thing for you as it tends to make you more of an irresponsible person towards important things over time. All you see in people are the troubles that they bring, other than their good side. 

3) Losing self-confidence

Self confidence to talk properly, relate with people of the opposite gender and you might start thinking maybe there is something wrong with you, wrong with your looks or your attitude. That is a serious problem that must be fixed.

4) Being negative about relationships

You will end up finding a reason to say No to every love affair, being negative in a strong way towards a thing like this, can make you negative towards everything else in life.

5) Having to lower your standards

You may end up fighting or quarrelling with a wrong choice partner, because being single for too long makes you lower your standards of choosing a partner, considering the fact that you just don't have enough experience to know what is good for you, hence you settle for anyone who comes along, not considering the fact that, that person may not be a good match for you.

6) Depression

The number one thing to be scared of is loneliness, depression is just one step away once you start to feel lonely. Being alone for such a long time makes you wish you had someone when you see other couples being together, the effect is certain, it will take your emotions off your hands in no time.

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