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OKON OFFIONG ( De-Catalyst )

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Dangers Of Being Single For Too Long: Number 6 Has A Long Lasting Effect.

You owe no one a phone call and you owe nobody your love. That's a nice feeling, its like freedom. But just when do you need to change that style? Being single is not bad, its a choice, but can that choice harm you? Yes! It can!

And here are ways being single for too longer can be dangerous to you; 
1) Sabotaging a good relationship/friendship simply because you just don’t care;

This is a common effect of being single for too long, nobody means anything to you anymore, you just don't know how to show concern for those around you and end up chasing away those who ought to be your partners with your "I don't care" attitude. 

2) Feeling that you have lost the muscle for being in a relationship

Obviously you are now tired of people's attitude and you just feel you don't have the strength to hold up a good relationship, this is a bad thing for you as it tends to make you more of an irresponsible person towards important things over time. All you see in people are the troubles that they bring, other than their good side. 

3) Losing self-confidence

Self confidence to talk properly, relate with people of the opposite gender and you might start thinking maybe there is something wrong with you, wrong with your looks or your attitude. That is a serious problem that must be fixed.

4) Being negative about relationships

You will end up finding a reason to say No to every love affair, being negative in a strong way towards a thing like this, can make you negative towards everything else in life.

5) Having to lower your standards

You may end up fighting or quarrelling with a wrong choice partner, because being single for too long makes you lower your standards of choosing a partner, considering the fact that you just don't have enough experience to know what is good for you, hence you settle for anyone who comes along, not considering the fact that, that person may not be a good match for you.

6) Depression

The number one thing to be scared of is loneliness, depression is just one step away once you start to feel lonely. Being alone for such a long time makes you wish you had someone when you see other couples being together, the effect is certain, it will take your emotions off your hands in no time.

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