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OKON OFFIONG ( De-Catalyst )

Saturday, October 10, 2020

A RAPE TO COMRADESHIP - Comrade Jeremiah Friday O. Coordinator NANS ZONE B

I write with utmost dismay that an SUG President of an institution like DELSU could condescend so low to conniving with School Management by taking advantage of this global pandemic to defraud and extort Nigerian students. 

The Student Union President MUST be reminded that Student activism/struggle is the only HOPE for "The Nigerian Students"
Let me correct the notion that "NANS, is controlled by elements that can't be traced as Students of any higher institution in Nigeria".

 The aforementioned organs as far back as we can remember have tirelessly and countless times stood up to fight for the interest of the common Nigerian student(even in Abraka)!
 Lest I forget let me remind the SUG President of DELSU that the leadership of these Associations are legitimate Students of various Institutions domiciled in their regions of scope. Be reminded that Jeremiah Friday Ohomah who is the NANS ZONE B COORDINATOR is a legitimate Student of the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurum, Delta State. 

Permit me to reiterate that these Union leaders were subjected to screening to certify that they are Students before they were duly voted into office, It is in this guise that we call on the SUG President of DELSU to tender a written apology to NANS and other daughter Associations within 24hours or face the sanctions of the organization as he would be stripped of his comradeship and eventually loss his stake, in failing to do so.

However, It is a pity that the school management and Delta State Government instead of complimenting the efforts of The Federal Republic of Nigeria to "Reopen schools" has resorted to scam and defraud poor Students, Let it be known that Nigerian Students will resist and protest any attempt from any quarter no matter how coined to forcefully collect monies(tagged COVID-19 LEVY) from Students of DELSU or any institution within NANS ZONE B (South-East and South-South tertiary institutions).

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