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OKON OFFIONG ( De-Catalyst )

Monday, October 5, 2020


You might be in a long-distance relationship because of a high school graduation, a connection you made with someone over the internet, or any number of reasons.

Technology has made romance far  more convenient than ever before. But could a long-distance relationship be bad for your health?

It is not ideal for married people to live apart , distance usually leads to infidelity . Distance affects the level of love and affection in a relationship; it can also have a negative effect on the children. 

For example , if I am asked to advise a young couple, I would say one month is okay especially if they just got married .
However , for couples who have been married for a number of years , I ’ ll recommend three to six months .

 distance relationship should be avoided and should only be considered by couples when there are no other options left.
Primarily , marriage was instituted to perform certain functions or meet some needs and these include the emotional, psychological , intellectual and physical aspects.
While it may be argued that staying under the same roof doesn't  guarantee the success of a marriage , long -distance cannot be said to be a blessing , but rather a big challenge that could only be managed by partners with strong commitment to a successful marital relationship .

If a couple must stay apart , it shouldn't be for more than six months or maximum one year. During this period , conscious and sustained efforts must be made to manage the issues which distance breeds like loneliness , non -frequent sex , lack of emotional and physical support.

Employment opportunities seem to be the very basis of couples living apart , hence I will advise newly married couples to work out modalities that will prevent this from occurring . There are many dangers associated with couples living apart . As the popular saying goes, “ out of sight , is out of mind ”.

Ideally , married people should not live apart because marriage is basically for companionship. Every other thing in marriage is secondary . To me , living apart in marriage is not really a good idea .

However, "most people aren’t satisfied with that,"  "Most are pretty anxious to get together." While the more independent-minded or career-driven might like this arrangement, many people find the negatives strongly outweigh any advantages. The ultimate goal is for both parties to leave behind the long distance love story, and unite in the same city.

When time and money cooperate, the best tonic to keep love alive across the miles is being together. While couples relish the thrill of ecstatic reunions,   "The dating effect," where partners wine and dine each other during their short spell together, but fail to deal with the real issues of real life. "A long-distance relationship can often mask a situation that won’t work," 

Couples should enjoy the romance of their situation, but also discuss the issues that all must face: where to live, opinions on finances and religion, and most importantly, whether they both want kids. For many, that biological clock is ticking’loudly. "In some cases they’re waiting to have children,"  "They need to find out  otherwise they have to find someone else."

Distance can sour these relationships when even one missed phone call sets off all sorts of suspicion and worry. As a result, trust and commitment issues grow unchecked, and unhealthy obsessive behavior’such as leaving repetitive phone messages’can be unleashed. "If you notice these things happening, there’s a problem,"  "It tends to escalate. If one person gets needy, the other might distance themselves. One might have doubts whether [this relationship] is right for them."

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