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When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up.

OKON OFFIONG ( De-Catalyst )

Thursday, December 3, 2020


Before I continue I would like to congratulate those of you that have been following my recent articles from the beginning.

Like it or not, any information you get from here will be useful to you sooner or later.

Now you were admitted into public health but you want to switch to a related course like Radiography... Is it possible? Yes

Now this process can only be done after your year 1,, if you switch successfully you will have to repeat year 1 again in that your desired course.
Now... The probability of switching successfully varies According to the department or course... If you want to switch to Medicine and Surgery the probability of switching successfully is very low. Of course I know someone that switched successfully.

Three Factors are considered when you want to switch...
1. Your CGPA during the just concluded session... (1st class most preferably)
2. Your behavior and conduct during that concluded year
3. Connections matters atimes... You have to know someone that can pull some strings
4. Money 

How can you switch from one accredited course to another

First, make sure you are not defaulting in any of the 3 factors above...
•Head to Senior colleagues and lecturers and let them know your plight so they can advise you.

•Head to your current department and request a rejection letter ... It's not free.
•Head to the department you want to switch to and get and acceptance letter... It's not free too

Try to make photocopies... From there the department of your choice will give you further instructions on how to complete the process...

Hope this article was helpful?

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