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OKON OFFIONG ( De-Catalyst )

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Men Should Not Marry Any Woman That Have These 6 Characterstics

The issue of marriage is very complicated, these days. Modern trends have shown us that marriage is not as sweet and blissful like the love stories we watch on Zeeworld and the likes.
Futhermore, the scriptures said that he who marries a wife found a food thing and obtains favour from the Lord. That is to say, it's a good thing to get married. But, that good thing can turn out to make your life miserable, if you marry amiss.

Therefore, in your quest for a bright and sweet marriage, don't marry any woman that possess any of these qualities I wrote below.

1. Unsubmissive attitude

A woman with this attribute will never acknowledge you, as the head of the house. At every instance, she will question your authority as the man of the house. If you want peace of mind jn marriage, avoid ladies with unsubmissive traits.

2. Incessant Nagging

Women that often nags are habitual trouble mongers. They take every opportunity to complain about their husbands. They don't see any good thing, except the negative ones. Men, if your girlfriend is the nagging type, don't marry her.

3. Obsession with parties and social gatherings

Most often, ladies that are obsessed will parties and social events don't make good wives. They will go to parties at the expense of their husband and children's welfare. If she can't do without partying, don't marry her.

4. Extreme Desire for luxury

Dear men, if your woman have a high taste for luxurious accessories, fashion wears and gadgets, don't marry her. Such kind of woman will likely wreck your finances, in the long run.

5. Materialism

Ladies with materialistic attitudes never appreciate the little efforts from their man. They don't care about your love, good attitudes or visions. All they care about is the expensive gifts you buy for them. Dear brother, don't marry such lady, because she won't appreciate your little efforts.

6. Arrogance and pride

Arrogant ladies don't make good wives. They're very good at looking down on others and people below their social status. As a responsible young man, such type of woman won't speak of you, don't marry her.


I can keep writing and writing. However, if your girlfriend have more than three of these qualities, don't marry her! That marriage won't give you piece of mind.

Thanks for reading!

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